Managing Agents

Foglight agents are the basic components that are used to monitor your environment.

The Foglight agent which is hosted by the agent manager collects data from monitored resources and submits it to the Management Server using the Agent Manager. The status of all the agents is displayed on the Agent Status dashboard.

To access the Agent Status dashboard:

  1. Sign in to Foglight cloud with your Quest account.
  2. From the navigation panel, click Dashboards > Administration > Agents > Agent Status.

This displays the Agent Status Dashboard.

This dashboard enables you to view all agents that are currently installed and their status. It also allows you to manage agents after they are created.

Each row in the Agents table lists its details such as name, agent manager, type, version, log file and its status. Usually, this dashboard is used in conjunction with support.

You can perform the following tasks to manage an agent:

Deactivate Agent

If you need to temporarily stop one agent or more from collecting data, select the checkbox of the required agent, and click Deactivate at the top of the table.

Activate Agent

To activate one or more agents that are deactivated, select the checkbox of the required agent, and click Activate at the top of the table.

Add Agent

You can add a new agent by clicking Create Agent on the Agent Manager dashboard.
However, it would be easier and simpler to add agents by using the relevant dashboard depending on the type of target you want to monitor.

You can add an agent, by navigating to the required Dashboards.

Diagnose Problems

The agent log can be used to diagnose the agent activity. To view it, you can click the icon for the relevant agent under the Log File column

Move an Agent to another Foglight Agent Manager

Agents are run under a specific agent manager. For most agent types, there is an option to move them between FglAMs if needed. To move an agent, select the checkbox of the required agent and click Move at the top of the table. A pop-up appears that shows which agent manager the selected agents are currently on and allows you to select a new agent manager.

It is recommended that you try to balance the agents evenly between agent managers.

For more information about managing agents refer to Manage Databases and Manage Infrastructure for the relevant agent type.