The section introduces you to the Foglight Hybrid Cloud Manager for Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment and provides you with essential information.
This section covers the following key areas:
Each AWS Agent monitors the assets inside the selected region. To monitor an AWS environment, AWS Identity and Access (IAM) users need to use an Access Keys to secure REST or HTTP query protocol requests. Create an IAM user with the following privileges to use the Foglight Hybrid Cloud Manager for AWS:
To collect EC2 Memory metrics and Linux Volume metrics, make sure to assign the following privilege when creating the EC2 instance that will be launched and monitored:
Foglight Hybrid Cloud Manager for AWS uses the AWS Cost and Usage Report to tracks your AWS usage and provides the estimated charges associated with your AWS account. AWS delivers the AWS Cost & Usage Report (in CSV format) for the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket you specified, and updates the reports at least once a day. AWS Agent retrieves the reports programmatically using the Amazon S3 APIs.
If you use the consolidated billing feature in AWS Organizations, this report is available only to the master account and includes activity for all the member accounts that are associated with the master account.
For more information refer to the AWS Cost and Usage Report🔗.
To get Account ID (12-digit number):
Log in to the AWS Management Console:
Locate your Account ID.
a. Click Support on the navigation bar on the upper-right.
b. Select Support Center. Your currently signed-in account number (ID) appears in the Support Center title bar.
To create an AWS Cost and Usage Report:
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Billing and Cost Management console at
In the navigation pane, click Reports.
Click Create report.
Enter the following required information, and then click Next.
a. Report name: enter the name of report.
b. Additional report details: select the Include resource IDs checkbox.
S3 bucket: Enter the name of the Amazon S3 bucket where you want the reports to be delivered and then select Verify. The bucket must have appropriate permissions.
a. Click Sample Policy link and copy and paste the text in this sample policy into the permissions associated with your Amazon S3 bucket.
b. Open a new Page to access your S3 bucket, click Permissions and then Bucket policy. Paste the text in this sample policy into the permissions associated with your Amazon S3 bucket.
c. Below is an example for the S3 bucket policy. Update the following descriptions in bold according to your AWS Account and S3 bucket.
AWS monitoring user ARN:
json "arn:aws:iam::88888888:user/exampleAWSUserTest":
Format: “arn:aws:iam::your AWS Account ID:user/your monitoring AWS username”
To get the AWS user ARN from AWS Console, select IAM, and then click the AWS user which is configured under the Foglight AWS Agent.
S3 bucket ARN:
json "arn:aws:s3:::exampleBucketNameTest":
Format: arn:aws:s3:::your bucket name
Change the exampleBucketNameTest to your S3 bucket name.
"Version": "2008-10-17",
"Id": "PolicyForFoglightAWSCostReport",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "StmtForAWSBillingReportGet",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": [
"Sid": "StmtForAWSBillingReportPut",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": ""
"Action": [
"Sid": "StmtForAWSUserGet",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::exampleBucketNameTest/*"
Report path prefix - (Optional): Enter the report path prefix that you want to name of your report.
Time granularity: Select Daily.
Report versioning: Select Overwrite existing report.
Enable report data integration for: Leave blank.
Compression type: Select GZIP or ZIP.
Click Next, after you have reviewed the settings for your report, and then click Review and Complete.
A complete setup includes the following steps:
To create and retrieve Access Keys of a user through the AWS IAM console:
If your AWS Performance Agent is installed behind the firewall, ensure the following URL addresses and ports are open:
To create an AWS agent:
The new AWS Agent is created, and its data is to be displayed on the Monitoring tab after a few minutes.
Foglight Hybrid Cloud Manager enables you to configure the interval for data collection using the Agent Status dashboard. To configure the data collection interval: