Resource Monitors

The Resource Monitors page displays table of all resource monitors for the Snowflake Account with the following columns:

  • Health: Displays the current health status of the resource monitor.
  • Name: The resource monitor name.
  • Level: The level at which the resource monitor is configured,
  • Frequency: The interval at which the used credits reset in relation to the specified start date.
  • Owner: The role that owns the resource monitor.
  • Start Time: Date and time when the resource monitor starts monitoring the assigned warehouses.
  • End Time: Date and time when Snowflake suspends the warehouses associated with the resource monitor.
  • Created On: Date and time when the resource monitor was created.
  • Quota: The credit quota assigned to the resource monitor.
  • Remaining: The remaining credits.
  • Used: The used credits.
  • Used Pct: The percentage of used credits.
  • Notify At: The credit usage percent at which Snowflake will notify that that it has been reached.
  • Suspend At: The credit usage percentage at which Snowflake suspends all assigned warehouses after completing all currently executing statements.
  • Suspend Immediately At: The credit usage percent at which Snowflake will suspend all assigned warehouses immediately, which cancels any statements being executed by the warehouses at the time.

Snowflake Resource Monitors