The Queries page lists the top x queries for each sample period, based on the configuration specified in the agent properties. Each row in the table provides data related to a query, including its text, which you can view in full by clicking or hovering over the abbreviated text. The displayed data includes the execution time, user, role, session, database, warehouse, queue and execution timings, result status, and credit usage. Some columns are hidden by default, but you can display them using the table customizer in the top-right corner.
The Samples in history dropdown indicates the sample period represented by the queries in the table. You can switch between sample periods by selecting a different option. The dropdown only displays sample periods within the dashboard’s time range. Adjusting the time range updates the list of available sample periods.
Click the Query Text column to open a table popup that lists all matching queries executed during a two-week time frame.
Click View All Executions in History to view all matching executions along with detailed information.