PostgreSQL Reports

PostgreSQL Executive Summary – Executive summary of PostgreSQL instance with high-level information including connection, workload, availability, and performance metrics, as well as top 10 alarms by severity.

PostgreSQL Full Tables Report - Displays tables in PostgreSQL server that meet conditions specified in the Tables Report section of the Agent Properties.

PostgreSQL Health Check – Displays health indicators for the PostgreSQL instance, including backends, workload, system, and performance metrics, top 10 statement digests by response time and top 10 alarms by severity.

PostgreSQL Server Configuration – Displays variables for the PostgreSQL instance with values at the start and end of the selected time range and when they were modified.

PostgreSQL Server Configuration Comparison – Compares current variable values for all PostgreSQL instances contained in a Service against a selected PostgreSQL instance (template server) to ensure configuration compliance. The report will optionally return all variables or just the variables with at least one difference in values.

PostgreSQL Top Servers by Connections – Displays top X PostgreSQL instances by the selected connection metric: availability percent, connection time, total backends, or percent used.

PostgreSQL Top Statements – Displays top X statement digests for a PostgreSQL instance by the selected metric: calls, average/total/max time, average rows, or shared blocks hit percent.

PostgreSQL Top Tables – Displays top X tables in a PostgreSQL instance by the selected table metric: tuples, indexes, memory hit percent, index memory hit percent, index size, or table size.