Administering Foglight for Oracle database
You use the Databases Administration dashboard to set options for collecting, storing, and displaying data about
monitored Oracle instances.
This section covers the following key areas:
Viewing the Databases Administration Dashboard
You can edit agent settings for one or more Oracle instances on the Databases > Administration dashboard.
If you attempt to select instances of more than one type of database, such as an SQL Server database and an Oracle database, an error message is displayed.
To open the Databases Administration dashboard:
- In the navigation panel, under Homes, click Databases and then Oracle.
- Select the check boxes beside one or more Oracle instances.
- Click Settings and then click Administration.
The Administration dashboard opens, containing settings for all the selected agents. Settings are broken down into categories, which are organized under a Oracle tree.
Reviewing the Administration Settings
The Databases Administration dashboard allows settings options for collecting, storing, and displaying data, which apply to all the currently selected agents. Click a category of settings on the left (for example: Connection Details) to display a view containing related settings on the right.
The metrics defined under the Databases Administration dashboard apply to all of the agents that were selected before opening the Databases Administration dashboard. As a result, the same unit of measure and aggregation value for display are enforced for all currently selected agents.
To view the full list of selected agents, click Selected Agents at the upper right corner of the screen. To change the list of agents to which the metrics will apply, exit the Databases Administration dashboard, select the requested agents, and re-open the view.
If the settings vary between the selected agents (for example: one agent uses the measurement unit kilobyte, while another uses megabyte), the fields that contain non-identical values are displayed as empty and marked with an Inconsistent Values (
) icon.
Changes made to settings should be saved before selecting another category of settings.
To save changes made in an Administration dashboard view:
- In the Database Administration dashboard, select a category from the menu.
- Make changes to settings as necessary.
- Click Save changes at the bottom of the view.
If you attempt to exit the view without saving changes, a Warning dialog box prompts you to confirm your action.
Defining Connection Details
Use the Connection Details category to define global connection settings, which apply to all instances and hosts selected in the view. You can configure SQL Performance Investigator connectivity, enable user-defined collections, and set VMware connection details.
Defining the Connection Settings for the Monitored Oracle Instances
The Connection Details view contains a table that displays all the agents that were selected before entering the Databases Administration dashboard.
To define the connection settings for the requested agents:
- Select the check boxes to the left of the agents for which uniform credentials are to be set.
- Click Settings, and then click Administration.
The Administration dashboard opens, containing settings for all the selected agents.
- Click Connection Details, and then click Set credentials.
The Set dialog box used for editing the credentials of the selected instance appears.
- Enter the TNS listener port, or accept the default port (1521).
- Use the Login Credentials section to type the user name and the password used for connecting to the Oracle instance.
- Select the Use SSL checkbox if you need to import database certificate into the FglAM certificate store.
All the certificate related command line options require that FglAM to be up and running. For more information, refer to the FglAM command document.
The SSL connection for Oracle current just support TLS1.2 encryption for server
- Select the Operating System checkbox, in order to retrieve OS-related data, such as CPU utilization and memory consumption. For more information about configuring OS monitoring, refer to Configuring OS monitoring credentials.
When enabling OS monitoring, ensure that the selected OS user has the privileges required for monitoring the operating system. For details, see the Foglight for Oracle Release Notes.
- Select whether to enable and set user-defined collections. For more information, refer to Enabling and setting credentials for user-defined collections.
- If the selected agents reside on a VMware virtual host, click Edit VMware connection details to define their
connection details. For more information, refer to Defining the VMware Connection Profile.
- Click Set to proceed to the next stage of validating the instance’s connectivity
Validating Connectivity and Starting to Monitor the Instances
After setting the default credentials for the host, these newly created credentials can now be used by the wizard to
attempt to log in to the instances.
To validate the connectivity of instances:
- Click Test connection.
The Verifying Connectivity progress bar appears.
At the end of this process, any connectivity issues are listed in the Status column of the instance table.
When the connection is successful, the Status column displays the status message Validated, which indicates that the instance connected successfully and the specified Oracle user has the required permissions.
If the connection failed verification, the Status column displays one of several connectivity status messages.
The messages, causes, and appropriate responses are:
- No valid RAC nodes were detected (for a RAC) — modify the credentials of RAC nodes.
- Invalid username/password — check the credentials and try again.
- Process Error — see the code error under the Details column.
- Wrong Database Credentials — modify the login credentials.
- Database Connection Failed — the database to which the instance tries to connect is not running or
cannot be accessed. Ensure clearing the check box near the database’s name.
- Insufficient Privileges — grant the user the privileges required for connecting to the database, by clicking the status Insufficient Privileges.
The Grant Database Privileges dialog box opens.
Use this dialog box to specify a SYSDBA (System Database Administrator) user with sufficient privileges.
Type a SYSDBA user and password, and then click Grant.
If the Sysdba credentials entered were incorrect, the column displays the status Wrong Sysdba credentials.
After correcting the mistakes that resulted in the connectivity failure, click again Validate connectivity.
- Click Validate connectivity on the status bar.
- Click Save Changes.
The Applying Modified Settings progress bar appears.
Configuring OS monitoring credentials
To configure the OS monitoring credentials:
- Use the Host Credentials section to select whether to log in to the monitored host using the existing host connection details or to edit the host connection details.
- If the option to edit the host connection details is selected, select whether to disable OS monitoring, which is enabled by default.
When enabling OS monitoring, ensure that the selected OS user has the privileges required for monitoring the operating system. For details, see the Foglight for Oracle Release Notes.
- Specify the requested authentication type:
- Local user — using the same credentials that were used for running the monitoring software (Agent Manager) on the Oracle host.
- Windows — the user name (in the domain\user name format) and password, used for logging in to a Windows-based monitored host.
- SSH (DSA) — using the SSH private key, generated via the DSA algorithm.
- SSH (RSA) — using the SSH private key, generated via the RSA algorithm.
- SSH (login credentials) — the user name and password used for logging in to a UNIX-based monitored host.
- If any option other than Agent Manager local user is selected, enter the required credentials.
If either of the UNIX authentication types is selected, to run certain commands that require administrative privileges as root, without having to log in as administrator, select the Use sudo
check box.
It is possible to delete or edit existing credentials by clicking Select from stored credentials and entering the User Credentials dialog box. However, it is highly advisable not to make any changes to existing credentials, as such changes will affect all agents that currently use these credentials.
Enabling and setting credentials for user-defined collections
Use the user-defined collections feature to add customized collections to all of the currently selected agents, thereby providing for queries not included in Foglight for Oracle.
Use the Connection Details view to enable and configure the creation of user-defined collections.
To enable and configure the creation of user-defined collections:
- Select the requested agents.
- Click Set UDC credential.
The Edit Credentials for User-defined Collections dialog box opens.
- Click Edit Credentials for User-defined Collections.
The Edit Credentials for User-defined Collections dialog box opens.
- Select the Enable user-defined collections check box.
- Select whether to perform the collection using the existing agent credentials or by creating dedicated credentials.
- If the user-defined collections are to be enabled using dedicated credentials, type the requested user name
and password.
- Select whether to connect as SYSDBA.
- Click Set.
To add user-defined collections, go to the User-defined Collections view in the Databases Administration
dashboard. For details, refer to Configuring User-defined Collections.
Defining the VMware Connection Profile
If you have Oracle instances that run on virtual hosts, monitoring such instances requires setting a dedicated
connection profile, in order to connect to the requested VMware server.
Establishing such a connection is necessary in order to retrieve the Virtualization overhead data, that is, the
percentage of CPU that is unavailable to this virtual machine because it is being utilized either by other virtual machines or by VMware itself. The Virtualization Overhead indicator is displayed in both the real-time and history summary pages.
To edit the VMWare Connection Profile:
- Select the requested agents.
- Click Set credentials.
- In the Edit Credentials dialog box, click Edit VMWare connection details.
The Edit VMWare Credentials dialog box opens.
- Select the check box Enable monitoring the VMWare CPU layer.
- Enter the details required for monitoring the CPU distribution data, that is: vCenter or ESX host name, port,
VMware user, and VMware password.
- Click OK.
Defining the Connection Settings for the Monitored ASM Instances
The Connection Details view contains a table, which displays all of the agents that were selected before entering
the Databases Administration dashboard.
To define the connection settings for the requested ASM agents:
- Go to the ASM tab.
- Select the check boxes to the left of the requested ASM agents.
- Click Settings.
- Click Administration.
- In the Connection Details view, select the check boxes to the left of the ASM agents for which uniform credentials are to be set. To cancel the selection, click Select None and select again
- Click Set Credentials.
The dialog box Edit credentials of ASM instance opens. This dialog box is identical to the one used for configuring ASM instances for monitoring.
Defining Data Collection and Storage Options
The Foglight for Oracle agent always collects and stores data, even when the browser window that displays the data is not active. Use the Collections page to specify:
- Which collections are sampled and stored.
- The data collection values when sampling is carried out in offline, online, and real-time frequency modes.
- The collection frequency.
When you focus on a page, the sampling frequency for all the collections associated with this page automatically switches to Real-Time. The collection frequency setting determines the sampling frequencies of the other collections (collections that are not running in Real-Time mode).
The available collection frequencies can be selected from the current collection frequency field of the selected agent located in the middle of the panel.
You can select from the following available collection frequencies:
- Low — all collections are running in Offline mode, regardless of whether a client is connected
- Normal — the collections running mode (Online/Offline/Real-time) adjusts dynamically to the connection status (disconnected/connected/focusing on a page) of the client.
- High — all collections are running in Online mode, regardless of whether a client is connected.
- The Query timeout for on-demand collections.
This setting defines the number of seconds that a query for on-demand collections can run before it times out.
On-demand collections are collections whose data is retrieved not by predefined time intervals but upon entering a screen or clicking a button.
The default setting of this parameter is 60 seconds, but it can be modified by clicking the number that indicates the parameter’s value in the field Query timeout for on-demand collections:
In the Normal collection frequency, when the browser window that displays Foglight for DB2 is active, the collection frequency mode in the active page (for example: the Current Sessions panel in the Activity drilldown) switches to the fastest frequency possible, once every 20 seconds.
The Collections table contains the following columns:
Column | Description |
Collection Enabled | Defines whether the selected collections are sampled and stored. |
Collection Name | The name of the collection. This list is sorted in alphabetical order. |
Offline Frequency (Sec) | Allows defining the collection interval, in seconds, in offline mode (for example, 300). Offline frequency is defined as the longest interval possible for sampling the monitored instance. |
Online Frequency (Sec) | Allows defining the collection interval, in seconds, in online mode (for example, 60). |
Real-time Frequency (Sec) | Allows defining the collection interval, in seconds, in real-time mode (for example, 20). Only one collection can be sampled for a real-time frequency at any given moment. |
Query Timeout (Sec) | The amount of time, in seconds, that elapses before the query times out. |
To modify the values of a specific collection:
- Select the collection row in the table.
- Click Edit.
The Edit the Collection dialog box appears.
- Select whether to enable the collection and storage of the selected collection.
- Set the collection interval, in seconds, in offline frequency mode (if available).
- Set the collection interval, in seconds, in online frequency mode (if available).
- Set the collection interval, in seconds, in real-time frequency mode.
- Set the query timeout, in seconds.
- Click Set to apply these settings or Cancel to reject them.
Customizing Alarms for Foglight for Oracle Rules
Many Foglight for DB2 LUW Database multiple-severity rules trigger alarms. To improve your monitoring experience, you can use alarm templates to customize when alarms are triggered and whether they are reported. You can also set up email notifications.
For more information, refer to Working with Alarms.
Defining Retention Policies
Use the Retention Policies view in the Databases Administration dashboard to define the requested duration for which each of the metric collections, which are defined in the Collections view, are to be kept.
Data can be retained for brief, moderate, or long periods, by selecting one of the following options:
- Short — retains data up to one month.
- Medium — retains data up to three months.
- Long — retains data up to one year.
To modify the retention policy:
- Click the text that displays the current retention policy.
The Edit the Retention Policy dialog box opens.
- Select the requested retention policy scheme from the list.
- Click Set to apply the selected setting or Cancel to reject the setting.
- At the bottom of the view, click Save changes.
Defining the Collection Settings
Use the Collection Settings view to limit the number of displayed items for each of the collections below.
Use the Locks pane to define the following settings:
- The maximum number of blocked segments to be displayed in the Lock Overview pane of the Activity > Locks panel.
- The minimal duration, in seconds, which a lock should reach or exceed in order to be collected. All locks
that meet this criterion are displayed in the lower section of the Locks Historical Tree pane.
To modify the lock collection and display settings:
- Click Edit.
The Edit Lock Collection and Display Settings dialog box opens.
- Use the designated field to type the maximum number of blocked segments.
- Use the designated field to type the minimal duration for collecting and displaying a lock in the Locks Historical Tree.
- Click Set to approve the new setting or Cancel to undo the operation.
Top SQL Statements
Use the Top SQL Statements pane to configure the requested settings for top SQL statements, that is, statements
that generated the maximal workload, as defined by the criterion by which the selected SQL statements are
sorted. Use this pane to define the criterion of top SQL statements, as well as the maximum number of such
statements to be retrieved and displayed. Top SQL statements are displayed on the Activity > Top SQL Statements panel.
To define the settings for collecting and displaying SQL statements:
- Click Edit.
The Edit Top SQL Statements Settings dialog box opens.
- Use the Maximum number of displayed SQL statements field to enter the maximum number of SQL statements that are to be displayed in the Top SQL Statements grid.
- Use the Maximum number of retrieved SQL statements field to enter the number of SQL statements that generated the maximal workload and are to be saved to the Top SQL statements collection.
- Use the Sort the collected SQL statements by list to select the field by which the Top SQL Statements list is to be sorted.
The possible values are:
- CPU Time — the total CPU time consumed for carrying out the SQL statement executions
- Elapsed Time — the total time consumed for carrying out the SQL statement executions
- Executions — the number of times the SQL script executed for a unique SQL Handle
- Total Waits — the total wait time spent while executing the SQL statements
- Use the Maximum size of short SQL statement field to type the maximum number of characters for the short SQL text.
- Click Set to save these settings.
- At the bottom of the view, click Save changes.
Tablespace Filtering
Use the Tablespace Filtering pane to configure the default monitoring settings for the Tablespaces Storage collection, by excluding from monitoring one or more of the following types of tablespaces:
- Undo tablespaces
- Temporary tablespaces
- Read-only tablespaces
- System-Sysaux tablespaces
This pane also includes the Tablespace Exclude List section. Use this section to add one ore more tablespaces to the Exclude list.
To add tablespaces to the Exclude list:
- Click Add.
The Add a Tablespace to the Exclude List dialog box opens.
- Use the Tablespace name field to enter a field name. To exclude multiple tablespaces, insert a regular expression (wild card) and select the Regex check box.
- Click Add to complete the operation.
Invalid Objects Filtering
Use the Exclude List pane to excluding specific schemas from being monitored by the Invalid Objects collection.
To exclude a schema from being monitored:
- Select the agent that monitors the instance where the schema resides.
If the selected agent is a RAC node, changes made will apply to RAC agent, thereby affecting the entire RAC.
- Click Add a Schema to the Exclude List.
- Use the dialog box that appears to enter the name of the requested schema.
- Click Add.
- Repeat this procedure for all of the schemas that are to be excluded.
To remove schemas from the table, select the required schema row and click Delete.
- At the bottom of the view, click Save changes.
Configuring the Alert Log Filtering Panel Display
Use the Alert Log Filtering view to configure the retrieval and display settings for the Alerts > Alert Log panel. In addition, this view is used to define default settings for invoking alarms based on the collected alerts.
While alerts whose severity type is Informational are collected and displayed on the Alert Log panel, alarms are invoked only for alerts whose severity type is Warning or higher.
Use this view to define the following settings:
- Minimal severity for invoking summary alarms — can be either turned off or set to one of the defined severity values, that is: Warning, Critical or Fatal.
By default, the value of this parameter is Critical.
- Minimal severity for invoking alarms — can be either turned off (the default setting) or set to one of the defined severity values: Warning, Critical or Fatal.
- Number of rows to collect from logs — the maximum number of rows that would be retrieved from the alert logs.
- Display under a pre-defined name in the Alert Log panel — using the Match List pane. This pane contains a default list of expressions within the alert logs that are to be retrieved and displayed in the Alert Log panel under a pre-defined name, category and severity.
- Exclusion from the Alert Log panel display — using the Ignore List pane, which contains a default list of alerts that are to be excluded when setting the alert logs display.
Only messages that are explicitly defined in the Ignore List will not be displayed. Messages that were not added to either the Match or Ignore lists appear under name Other, type Oracle alert messages and severity Informational. Therefore, ensure that messages that need not be displayed are added to the
Ignore List.
Both the Match List and the Ignore List panes can be customized by adding, editing or removing alert logs. Each filter can be enabled or disabled separately by clicking Edit and selecting or clearing the Enabled check box.
Alternatively, to enable or disable all of the filters, click the Enable All or Disable All button.
To add an alert to the Match List:
- Click Add.
The Add an Alert to the Match List dialog box opens.
Use this dialog box to configure the alert filter by means of the following fields:
- Filter Name — used for assigning a name to the filter.
- Severity — used for assigning a severity for the alert. Use this field to set the type of the alarm that is invoked as a result of the alert, or to define that the alert is informational and therefore invokes no alerts.
- Type — used for entering a filter type, either one of the predefined types or a new type.
- Expression — identifies the text that is to be extracted as a message from the alert log and displayed in the Message column of the Alert Log panel > Alert Log Messages table. This text usually contains the beginning of the message and a wildcard (for example: ORA-12012).
Alert filters are enabled automatically upon addition. To disable a filter, use the Edit button.
- Click Add to save your settings.
Each newly added alert filter is enabled by default. To disable the filter, click Edit and then clear the Enabled check box.
To edit an alert:
- Click the requested alert log.
- Click Edit.
The Edit the Selected Alert dialog box opens.
- Use this dialog box to configure the alert by means of the same fields used for adding it: Filter Name, Severity, Type, and Expression.
- To disable the filter, clear the Enabled check box.
- Click Set to save your settings.
- At the bottom of the view, click Save changes.
Configuring the List of Listeners per Instance
Use the Listeners Monitoring view in the Databases Administration dashboard to edit the list of monitored listeners
per instance, by adding or removing listeners from the list.
To add listeners to an instance:
- Open the dropdown list below the title and select an agent:, to display the entire list of selected agents.
- Select a single agent from the list.
- Click Add Listener.
The contents of the Add a Listener dialog box that appears now vary between Windows and UNIX. For instructions for Windows-based agent, go to Step 4.
In UNIX, enter a listener service name in the designated field.
- For a Windows-based agent, type data in the following fields:
- Listener name — the name of the listener
- TNS Admin — the path of the $TNS_ADMIN directory (usually $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin)
- Click Add.
The newly added listener appears in the Listeners table.
To edit the properties of a single listener:
- Select the requested listener from the table.
- Click Edit Listener.
- In the Edit a Listener dialog box, edit the existing data in the various fields (see Step 4 of the procedure for
adding a listener).
- Click Set to apply the changes or Cancel to revert to the previous settings.
To stop monitoring a listener:
- Select the requested listener from the table.
- Click Delete Listener.
The Stop Monitoring a Listener dialog box opens.
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion or Cancel to keep monitoring the listener.
- At the bottom of the view, click Save changes.
Configuring User-defined Collections
Use the User-defined Collections view in the Databases Administration dashboard to add user-defined collections
to all of the currently selected agents, in order to provide for queries not included in Foglight for Oracle.
After collections are added, this view displays all user-defined collections for all of the agents; for example, if a collection was added to 12 agents during its addition, the view will display 12 rows, showing the collection for each
This view is also used for configuring the sampling frequency for each collection.
The available sampling frequencies are:
- Real-Time - When a user is currently focusing on a screen, the sampling frequency for all of the collections
associated with this screen switches to Real-Time.
- Online - When at least one user is connected, the sampling frequency for all of the collections that are not
currently running at Real-Time frequency switches to Online.
- Offline - when no user is currently connected to the application
To add user-defined collections:
- Select the requested agents.
- Click Add.
If the user-defined collections are enabled for the selected agent, the Add a User-defined Collection dialog
box opens. Proceed to Step 3.
If user-defined collections are not enabled, the User-defined Collections Not Enabled dialog box opens.To enable and configure the creation of user-defined collections:
c. Click Edit credentials. The Edit Credentials for User-defined Collections dialog box opens.
d. Select whether to perform the collection using the existing agent credentials or by creating dedicated credentials.
e. If the user-defined collections are to be enabled using dedicated credentials, type the requested user name and password.
f. Select whether to connect as SYSDBA.
g. Click OK.
h. The Applying modified settings progress bar is displayed. If the modified settings are success fully applied, the Add a User-defined Collection dialog box opens.
- Click Set details. The Set Collection Details dialog box opens.
- In the Collection name field enter a name.
- In the Collection description field enter a brief description of the collection (optional).
- In the Query Text field, paste the SQL text of the query.
This field can hold up to 4096 characters. Any PL-SQL Functions (that are not getting input) can be written by wrapping the PL-SQL “Select <pl_sql_func> From dual” statement.
- In the Query Timeout field, enter a value in seconds.
- Use the Start Time field to define the time when the collection starts running (optional).
If this field is left empty, the collection starts working immediately. The start time can only be defined using the wizard. After the collection starts working, at the time defined using the Start Time field, it will continue to run according to its defined frequency and can only be disabled.
- Click Verify.
The collection is verified by running the query on each of the currently selected agents.
After the verification process is complete, the Verification Results pop-up appears, indicating whether the collection was verified successfully. In case the collection verification failed, the relevant error message is displayed.
If the verification succeeded on at least one agent, the collection details are displayed on the table described below.
Section | Field | Description |
Database | ID
Column Name
Column Type
| The collections’ ID
The name of the column
The field type, as retrieved by the query (String, Integer and so on) |
Data Storage | Display Name | The column’s display name |
| Type | The topology type for storage purposes. This type can be one of the following: String Integer Double Boolean Date Note: When the Frequently modified check box is selected (the default state), the field’s change history is kept, including use of optional functionality such as use of the IntelliProfile mechanism and aggregation type selection. Clearing this check box is recommended only for fields whose values change infrequently, such as IP address of a specific host, as storing the change history of such fields is highly CPUintensive and may degrade the Foglight performance. |
| Unit of Measurement/Indicator | The metric’s Unit of Measurement/Indicator. The possible measurement unit values are: Percent, Count, Millisecond, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte and Gigabyte. |
| Aggregation | Allows defining the value that is displayed in this metric, out of several values that were returned in the relevant time range. The available aggregation values are: As is- value of the last sample taken during the selected time range
Sum- summarized value of all samples taken during the selected time range
Average- average value of all samples taken during the selected time range |
| Is Key | Indicates whether the field is the query’s key for retrieval. Note: Fields that are indicated as keys should correspond with the database result set unique values. Selecting a field which has frequently changing and repeating results as key is allowed, but may result in unexpected behavior from the defined collection. |
| Configured to use IntelliProfile | Select True in this column to enable the collection of baseline statistics for this metric. |
Except for the Column Name and Column Type fields, whose values are retrieved by the query and cannot be changed, all other fields can be edited by clicking any of them.
The Edit Collection Properties dialog box appears, allowing you to edit the values of the following parameters:
- Display name
- Type
- Unit of Measurement/Indicator
- Aggregation
In addition, the collection’s sampling frequencies are displayed on the table at the bottom of the view, and can be edited by clicking any of them.
- Ensure that all settings are appropriate, and click OK to finish the collection creation process.
The newly created collection now appears on the table.
After adding the requested user-defined collections, they can only be deleted or cloned to other agents. If one or more queries need to be modified, delete them and create new ones.
Changing the Monitoring Mode of the RAC One Node Agents
Use the RAC One Node view in the Databases Administration dashboard to change the monitoring mode of agents configured as RAC One Node, enabling the monitoring of such agents as regular RACs.
The RAC One Node view is only relevant for agents configured as RAC One Node. If no such agent was selected before entering the Databases Administration dashboard, this view will be empty.
To change the monitoring mode of a RAC One Node agent:
- Click anywhere on the row of the RAC One Node agent (the root).
The Convert to Regular RAC dialog box appears, displaying one or more hosts.
- Click the row of the RAC that is to be converted to regular RAC.
The Convert to Regular RAC dialog box opens.
- From the list of hosts that appear in the dialog box, select the host that is to be converted to a physical RAC.
- Click Validate to verify the connectivity of the selected host.
- After the connectivity validation completes successfully, click Set.
Converting a RAC One Node to a regular RAC is an irreversible process. The Save changes button is disabled on the RAC One Node view, and after clicking Set, the selected host is
immediately converted to a physical RAC. Therefore, ensure that the requested host is selected before clicking Set.
After the selected host was converted to a physical RAC, use the Oracle Monitoring Installer wizard to add the other hosts monitored through this agent as nodes to the newly created RAC. For further details, refer to Using Foglight for Oracle.
The SQL Performance Investigator view in the Administration dashboard allows you to enable and disable SQL PI monitoring for selected agents. In addition, you can start and stop the collection of change tracking data.
In the SQL PI view, select one or more agents to enable or disable or for which to modify the change tracking status.