Viewing Real Time Menu

The Real Time menu provides metrics on the present state of the selected member. It allows you to view how the member is performing and any performance or bottleneck issues affecting the member. Popups provide additional information and graphs.

This menu can be accessed only by members.

To access the Real Time menu:

  1. From the Database Overview, click Whole Database and select the partition you want.
  2. Click Summary and select Real Time. From the Real Time menu, you can drill down to view additional metrics for the selected DB2 member or partition.

The following summary and menu pages are provided:


This Overview page contains the following panes:

Member Information

The Member Information pane displays member status and connection information, member CPU and memory information, and member alarms. It is at the upper left of the Real Time menu.

Description of the Pane The following data is displayed on the pane:

  • Member- The identifying number for the partition.
  • DB path- The path of the partition.
  • Up since- The date and time the partition connected.
  • Status- The status of the partition.
  • Alarms- The alarms (due to partition irregularities) that are currently outstanding against the partition.
  • CPU (%)- The total CPU consumption by processes running on the host (including any DB2 processes), and the total CPU consumption by the DB2 processes running on the host.
  • Memory (%)- Total memory consumption by all processes running on the host (including DB2 processes), and the total memory consumption by the DB2 processes running on the host.
  • No. of CPUs- The number of CPUs allocated to the partition.
  • Total RAM- The total RAM allocated to the partition.
  • Free RAM- The total free RAM available for the partition.

Clicking the icon next to the Status displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.

Hovering over a data point on either of the CPU or Memory charts displays a pop-up that provides additional information about the data point.

Clicking the CPU or Memory charts displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information. Hovering over or clicking an alarm count displays a pop-up that provides additional, alarm-related information.


The Sessions pane displays the session distribution information for the selected partition. It is at the lower left of the Partition (Real Time) overview page.

Description of the Pane The following data is displayed on the pane:

  • Inactive or Active- The distribution of currently running inactive and active sessions.
  • Background or Foreground- The distribution of currently running background and foreground sessions.
  • Connections- The current number of active connections.
  • Received Volume- The number of KBs per second received by the server from clients.
  • Sent Volume- The number of KBs per second sent by the server to clients.

Clicking a chart displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.

Workload Information

The Workload Information pane for DB2 databases v9.7.0.1 and later displays a Request Time Breakdown chart for the selected partition. The Workload Information pane for DB2 databases earlier than v9.7.0.1 displays an Average Active Sessions chart for the selected partition. The pane is located in the upper middle of the Partition (History) overview page.

Description of the Pane The following data is displayed on the pane:

Data displayed for DB2 databases v9.7.0.1 and later:

  • Request Time Breakdown- The request time breakdown, for a particular partition criterion, plotted over the course of the selected time range. Click the arrow at the right of “Breakdown” to select a different criterion from the list.

Data displayed for DB2 databases earlier than v9.7.0.1:

  • Average Active Sessions- A comparison of the average number of active sessions over the course of the selected time range with the average number of active sessions expected (according to the baseline).

Hovering over a data point on the chart displays a pop-up that provides more detailed information about the data point. Clicking the icon next to “Workload” takes you to the Current Agents pane.


If the database is configured for HADR, the HADR pane displays the associated HADR metrics for the partition. It is located in the middle of the Partition (Real Time) overview page.

Description of the Pane The following data is displayed on the pane:

  • Role- The HADR role of the database.
  • HADR Remote Host- The name of the HADR remote host.
  • HADR Remote Instance- The name of the HADR remote instance.
  • Log Gap- The size (in KB) of the gap between the primary log sequence number and the standby log sequence number.
  • HADR State- The HADR state of the database:
    • Disconnected
    • Performing local catch-up
    • Waiting to connect to its partner to perform remote catch-up
    • Performing remote catch-up
    • In a peer state

Clicking the icon next to a metric displays a pop-up with additional, related information.

Process Activity

The Process Activity pane displays agent and SQL information for the selected partition. It is at the lower middle of the Partition (Real Time) overview page.

Description of the Pane The following data is displayed on the pane:

  • Agents- The number of agents for the applications currently running in the partition.
  • Top Agents- The maximum number of agents for all applications running in the partition.
  • Transactions/s- The number of transactions involving the partition that were being carried out per second, during the last collection.
  • Select Stmt- The number of static SQL statements that were being run per second by the partition, during the last collection.
  • DDL Stmt- The number of data definition language (DDL) SQL statements that were being run per second by the partition, during the last collection.

Clicking the icon next to a metric displays a pop-up with additional, related information.

Memory Activity

The Memory Activity pane displays memory-related metrics for the selected partition. It is located in the middle of the Partition (Real Time) overview page.

Description of the Pane The following data is displayed on the pane:

  • Memory Total (MB)- The total memory available for the partition.
  • Memory Used- The percentage of the total memory available that was used by the database partition during the last collection.
  • Buffer Pool Total (MB)- The total buffer pool available for the partition.
  • Buffer Pool Hit Ratio- The percentage of database page I/O requests that are being satisfied using the buffer cache (and therefore the database does not have to perform disk reads).
  • Catalog Cache Total (MB)- The total catalog cache available for the partition.
  • Catalog Cache Hit Ratio- The number of times that a table descriptor or authorization information was not found in the catalog cache and had to be inserted there. Calculated as a percentage of the total number of times that a table descriptor or authorization information was requested, over the course of the selected time range.
  • Package Cache Total (MB)- The total package cache available for the partition.
  • Package Cache Hit Ratio- The number of times that a requested section was not available for use and had to be loaded into the package cache. Calculated as a percentage of the total number of times that a section was requested, over the course of the selected time range.

Clicking a chart displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.

I/O Activity

The I/O activity for the selected partition is displayed in charts on either side of the Memory Activity pane.

Description of the Pane The following data is displayed on the pane:

  • Logical Reads- The number of logical read requests that were being processed per second by the partition, during the last collection.
  • Log I/O Reads- The number of logical I/O read requests that were being processed per second by the partition, during the last collection.
  • Log I/O Writes- The number of logical I/O write operations that were being run per second by the partition, during the last collection.
  • Async I/O Reads- The number of asynchronous I/O read requests that were being processed per second by the partition, during the last collection.
  • Async I/O Writes- The number of asynchronous I/O write operations that were being run per second by the partition, during the last collection.
  • Sync I/O Reads- The number of synchronous I/O read requests that were being processed per second by the partition, during the last collection.
  • Sync I/O Writes- The number of synchronous I/O write operations that were being run per second by the partition, during the last collection.

Clicking a chart displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.

Active Log

The Active Log pane displays metrics for the selected partition’s active log. It is at the upper right of the Partition (Real Time) overview page.

Description of the Pane The following data is displayed on the pane:

  • Total Utilization- The total log space that is available to the partition and the log space that is still free to be used by the partition.
  • Log buffer full- The total number of times that agents, that copy log records into the log buffer, have had to wait for log data to be written to disk. This value is incremented once for each time an agent experiences such contention. If two agents are waiting at the same time, this value is incremented by two.
  • Secondaries- The total size of the secondary files (in KBs.)
  • Log to recovery- The size of the recovery log (in KBs).
  • Appl id oldest Xact- The ID of the application holding the oldest transaction.

Clicking the icon below the chart displays a pop-up with additional, related information.

Disk Storage

The Disk Storage pane displays the disk storage status for the selected partition. It is at the bottom right of the Partition (Real Time) overview page.

Description of the Pane The following data is displayed on the pane:

  • Fixed Storage- The total disk space that is available for use by fixed-size tablespaces and the disk space that is still free to be used by fixed-size tablespaces.
  • Auto Storage- The total file system space that is available for the partition to use to carry out auto storage tablespace operations, and the file system space that is still free for the partition to use to carry out auto storage tablespace operations.
  • Max TBSP Utilization- The maximum tablespace utilization of the system.

Clicking either of the charts displays a pop-up with additional, related information.