Viewing the Database Overview
The Database Overview provides an overall view of the status of the selected entity for the selected time range, as well as menu, which provide a visual representation of the status and performance of the monitored DB2 environment. This menu allows you to determine any potential bottlenecks in database performance.
To access the Database Overview, navigate through Databases Dashboard > Instance Overview, and then select a database name.
You can also access the Database Overview for a database from the Databases Dashboard by clicking the icon at the far right of the database name cell and then selecting Database Overview from the menu that appears.
The Infrastructure agent configuration indicator at the bottom right of the Overview notifies if the Infrastructure agent is installed and configured for the selected instance. This agent enables OS monitoring of the hosts where the DB2 LUW instance resides.
This section covers the following key areas:
The Database Overview menu allows you to drill down and view a variety of DB2 database metrics.
The following menu options are provided:
- Summary — goes back, from any of the menu, to the Database Overview.
- SQL Performance — provides the ability to investigate the activity and resource consumption of a selected database or database partition.
- Activity — allows you to explore SQL metrics using the following panels:
- Top Tables Panel
- Locks Panel
- Current Agents Panel
- User-defined Collections Panel
- Memory — allows you to explore database memory using the following panels:
- Memory Panel
- Buffer Pools Panel
- Storage — allows you to explore DB2 storage using the following panels:
- Tablespaces Panel
- Tablespaces Bufferpool Activities Panel
- Log — allows you to explore the Diagnostic Log Panel.
- Configuration — allows you to explore the Initialization Parameters Panel.
Activity Panel
Top Tables Panel
Use the Top Tables panel to help you monitor the performance of database tables.
To access the Top Tables panel, navigate through Databases Dashboard > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Activity > Top Tables.
Locks Panel
The Locks panel displays information about current locks and historical locks held in the selected database.
To access the Locks panel, navigate through Databases Dashboard > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Activity > Locks.
You can also access the Locks panel for a database from the Databases Dashboard by clicking the icon at the far right of the database name cell and then selecting Locks from the menu that appears.
Current Agents Panel
This panel provides metrics on agent workload, activity, and background operations.
To access the Current Agents panel, navigate through Databases Dashboard > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Activity > Current Agents.
You can also access the Current Agents panel for a database from the Databases Dashboard by clicking the icon at the far right of the database name cell and then selecting Current Agents from the menu that appears.
User-defined Collections Panel
The User-defined Collections panel allows viewing the customized collections, which were created via the Userdefined Collections page in the Administration dashboard, either during the last sample (Last Snapshot) or plotted over the specified time range (Selected Period).
To access the User-defined Collections panel, navigate through Databases > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Activity > User-defined Collections.
Memory Panel
Memory Summary Panel
The Memory Summary panel provides memory summary metrics on the members and memory pools for the selected database.
To access the Memory Summary panel, navigate through Databases > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Memory > Memory summary.
Buffer Pools Panel
The Buffer Pools panel provides performance metrics on the buffer pools for the selected database.
To access the Buffer Pools panel, navigate through Databases > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Memory > Buffer Pools.
Storage Panel
All database data is stored in a number of Tablespaces. There are different types of tablespaces, including catalog, regular, large, system-temporary, and user-temporary tablespaces. Tablespaces can be managed by the OS
(System-Managed Space — SMS) or the database (Database-Managed Space — DMS). Each tablespace can have one or more containers. Each tablespace has a page size associated with it, which limits the row length and column count of tables that can be placed in the tablespace, meaning that a larger page increases the capacity of the tablespace. The utilization of the page size has an effect on the usage of overall tablespace resources. For example, having a small table with a large page size results in a significant amount of wasted space and inefficient I/O and buffering usage.
Tablespaces Panel
The Tablespaces panel shows the top ten tablespaces with the highest percentage of the space usage, along with individual table properties for each individual tablespace. Use this panel to quickly investigate the existing tablespace usage and look for parameters that can indicate potential performance issues.
To access the Tablespaces panel, navigate through Databases > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Storage > Tablespaces.
You can also access the Tablespaces panel for a database from the Databases Dashboard by clicking the icon at the far right of the database name cell and then selecting Tablespaces from the menu that appears.
Viewing individual tablespace details
The Tablespace Details view shows individual tablespace properties and metrics. This menu also provides
space utilization and free space fragmentation charts that can give you insight in how well the system can perform based on the existing storage resources. For example, a high amount of fragmented disk space can lead to increased performance overhead. You can navigate to this view by clicking a tablespace entry on the Tablespaces menu or clicking on the tablespace name in the Tablespace Summary section.
Tablespaces Bufferpool Activities Panel
A buffer pool is memory that temporarily stores data and index pages from the database. If an application needs to
read a data or index page and that page is already in the buffer pool, the application reads the page from the buffer
pool, a process that is faster than retrieving the page from disk. Avoiding disk I/O is a critical issue when you are
trying to improve database logical and physical read performance.
The Tablespaces Bufferpools Activities panel shows the top tablespaces with the highest percentage of the space usage, and for each tablespace, it displays its buffer pool usage, such as data reads and writes. Use this menu to quickly investigate the buffer pool usage for the top tablespace consumers, and to look at the overall buffer pool performance.
To access the Tablespaces Bufferpool Activities panel, navigate through Databases > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Storage > Tablespaces Bufferpool Activities.
Diagnostic Log Panel
The Diagnostic Log panel provides a graphic, color-coded representation of the notification log messages, sorted
by their severity level, as detailed below. Informational messages and warnings are displayed here, but do not invoke alarms.
To access the Diagnostic Log panel, navigate through Databases > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Log.
Initialization Parameters Panel
The Initialization Parameters panel provides the list of initialization parameters with their current values and other
pertinent information, sorted in alphabetical order.
To access the Initialization Parameters panel, navigate through Databases > Instance Overview > Database Overview, and then select Configuration.
From the Database Overview, you can drill down to other pages that display more detailed metrics about the database.
The following summary and menu pages are provided:
By default, the Summary view is displayed on the Database Overview.
The Summary contains the following panes:
Database Overview
The Database Overview pane displays metrics that provide an overview of the status of the entire database, over the course of the selected time range. For a partitioned database, this pane also provides a way to examine the balance of certain individual metrics across the members. The pane is at the left of the Database Overview.
Description of the pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Availability (%)- The availability of the agent’s connection FCM.
- Response Time (ms)- The average response time of a query when the connection is already open, over the course of the selected time range.
- Avg. Request Time (ms)- The average duration for a single database request, over the course of the selected time range. This metric is only available for DB2 v9.7.0.1 and later.
- Balance Criterion- The level of balance exhibited, for a particular database criterion (for example, workload in terms of the number of connections), over the course of the selected time range. Click the arrow at the right of “Balance
Criterion” to select a different criterion from the list.
- Workload- The balance of average active agents across the database members. If most of the activity is on one member, for example, the activity is not balanced. If most of the activity is spread equally across the members, it is balanced.
- Request Time- The balance of requests across the monitored members, or the extent to which the total request time is spread across the members. This metric is only available for DB2 v9.7.0.1 and later.
- Physical Reads- The balance of the physical reads across the monitored members, or the extent to which the physical reads operations are balanced across the members.
- Logical Reads- The balance of the logical reads across the monitored members, or the extent to which the logical reads operations are balanced across the members.
- CPU Load- The balance of CPU used across the monitored members.
- Transaction Rate- The balance of the transactions across the monitored members. For example, if most of the transactions are done on one member, the transactions are not balanced. If they are spread equally across the members, they are balanced.
- Storage Capacity- The balance of storage capacity used across the monitored members.
Clicking the icon next to the Availability, Response Time, or Avg. Request Time metric displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.
Mousing over a data point on either of the Balance Criterion charts displays a pop-up that provides more detailed information about that data point.
Clicking any of the Request Time, Physical Reads, Logical Reads, CPU Load, Transaction Rate, or Storage Capacity charts displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.
The Sessions pane displays client application session metrics for the entire database. It is at the lower left of the
Database Overview.
Description of the pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Avg. Active Sessions (no.)- The average number of active sessions connected to the database over the course of the selected time range.
- Avg. Connected Sessions (no.)- The average number of sessions connected to the database over the course of the selected time range.
Clicking the icon next to either of the metrics displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.
The FCM pane displays FCM metrics for the entire database. It is located in the upper middle of the Database
Description of the pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Total Buffers Sent- The total number of FCM buffer sent from the current node to the remote node, over the course of the selected time range.
- Total Buffers Received- The total number of FCM buffer received by the current node from the remote node, over the course of the selected time range.
Clicking the icon next to either of the metrics displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.
Cache Hit Ratio
The Cache Hit Ratio pane displays cache hit ratio metrics for the entire database. It is located toward the center of
the Database Overview.
Description of the pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Buffer Pool (%)- The percentage of database I/O requests satisfied using the buffer cache (and therefore the database did not have to perform disk reads), over the course of the selected time range.
- Package (%)- The number of times that a requested section was not available for use and had to be loaded into the package cache. Calculated as a percentage of the total number of times that a section was requested, over the course of the selected time range.
- Catalog (%)- The number of times that a table descriptor or authorization information was not found in the catalog cache and had to be inserted there.
Calculated as a percentage of the total number of times that a table descriptor or authorization information was requested, over the course of the selected time range.
- pureScale only — Overall BP (%)- A percentage that reflects the number of times a requested page was found in the buffer pool out of all times it was requested. If a page is found in the buffer pool, it saves the database the time
to look for it in the physical storage.
- pureScale only — Global BP (%)- A percentage that reflects the number of times a requested page was found in the GBP out of all times it was requested. If a page is found in the GBP, it saves the database the time to look for it in the LBP.
- pureScale only — GBP Full (%)- A percentage that reflects the number of times a Group Buffer Pool Full condition occurred per 10,000 commits.
Clicking the icon next to any of the three metrics displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.
Clicking the link at the bottom of any of the three pop-ups takes you to the corresponding menu for additional information.
Resource Utilization
The Resource Utilization pane provides information on CPU and RAM consumption for the entire database. It is located in the lower middle of the Database Overview.
Description of the pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- CPU (%)- Total CPU usage by all processes (including all DB2 processes) running on the host, as a percentage of the total CPU available.
- No. of CPUs- The total number of CPUs available.
- Memory (%)- Total memory usage by all processes (including all DB2 processes) running on the host, as a percentage of the total memory available.
- Total RAM- The total RAM (in MB) available.
Mousing over a data point on either of the CPU or Memory charts displays a pop-up that provides more detailed information about the data point.
Clicking a data point on either of the CPU or Memory charts displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.
The Storage pane provides information about fixed and auto storage for the entire database. It is at the upper right
of the Database Overview.
Description of the pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Fixed Size (MB)- The total disk space that is available for use by fixed-size tablespaces and the disk space that is still free to be used by fixed-size tablespaces.
- Auto Storage (MB)- The total file system space that is available for the database to use to carry out auto storage tablespace operations, and the file system space that is still free for the database to use to carry out auto storage
tablespace operations.
Clicking the icon below either chart displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.
Clicking the Investigate using the “Tablespaces” drilldown link at the bottom of either pop-up takes you to the Tablespaces menu for additional information.
Average I/O Activity
The Average I/O Activity pane provides I/O metrics for the entire database. It is at the lower right of the Database
Description of the pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Log Reads- The number of times the log was read from during the selected time range.
- Log Writes- The number of times the log was written to during the selected time range.
- Physical Reads- The number of reads directly from disk during the selected time range.
- Physical Writes- The number of writes directly to disk during the selected time range.
- Logical Reads- The number of reads from the buffer pool during the selected time range.
- Direct Reads- The number of reads that did not use the buffer pool, during the selected time range.
- Direct Writes- The number of writes that did not use the buffer pool, during the selected time range.
- Async Reads- The number of asynchronous reads during the selected time range.
- Async Writes- The number of asynchronous writes during the selected time range.
Clicking the icon next to any of the metrics displays a pop-up that provides additional, related information.
SQL Performance page provides the ability to investigate the activity and resource consumption of a selected database or database partition.
The SQL Performance page displays the following components:
Selecting different levels in the History Tree to display different views in the History section view.
The SQL Performance menu only support DB2 version no lower than v9.7.0.10. If the version is below v9.7.0.10, no data will be displayed in the SQL Statements view and the Single Statements view.
After the upgrade, historical Top SQL data is available in the topology but not accessible by the UI.
Database (or Partition) View
The History section view is divided into two sections that are correlated to each other:
- Resource consumption charts — This section displays data in four different charts:
- Workload chart — Displays the database (or Partition) resource activity over the selected time frame by emphasizing the resources by colors.
- Baseline chart — Displays the database (or Partition) workload compared to the baseline over time.
- Breakdown chart — Rate of activity of the database (or Partition) per second.
- Resource Breakdown Pie chart — Displays the resource breakdown usage by % of the total database (or Partition) activity.
- Metrics Overview - Displays a graphical representation of the metrics highlighted in the Workload related Metrics table.
- Workload related Metrics - A table that displays a variety of resource consumption metrics which can give an in-depth of the database/partition activity. Metrics are categorized by resource and the resource name can be used to filter the table by writing its name in the search box.
The table below lists the Workload related metrics and their descriptions:-
Name | Descriptions |
Total Requests | The total amount of requests completed. |
Total Requests Time | The total amount of time spent working on requests. This value is reported in Seconds. |
Total Requests Time Rate | The rate of time spent working on requests per second. This value is reported in Seconds/s. |
Total CPU Time | The total amount of CPU time used while within DB2. Represents total of both user and system CPU time. This value is reported in Seconds. |
Total CPU Wait | The total time that requests, that were run in this service class, spent waiting to access the CPU. This value is given in seconds. Available for version 10 and above. |
FCM Receive Volume | The total amount of data received via the FCM communications layer. This value is reported in bytes. |
FCM Send Volume | The total amount of data distributed by the FCM communications layer. This value is reported in bytes. |
FCM Receive Volume Rate | The rate of data received via the FCM communications layer per second. This value is reported in bytes/s. |
FCM Send Volume Rate | The rate of data distributed by the FCM communications layer per second. This value is reported in bytes/s. |
TCP/IP Send Volume | The amount of data sent by data server to client. This value is reported in kbytes. |
TCP/IP Send Volume Rate | Number of kbytes sent by the data server to clients per second. |
TCP/IP Receive Volume | The amount of data received by the data server from clients over TCP/IP. This value is reported in kbytes. |
TCP/IP Receive Volume Rate | Number of kbytes received by the server from clients per second. |
Physical Reads | Total physical reads (index, XDA and data) in the bufferpool. |
Logical Reads | Total logical reads (index, XDA and data) in the bufferpool. |
Xact Rate | The number, per second, of transactions that were carried out during the specified time range. |
Lock Waits | The number of times that applications or connections waited for locks. |
Lock Escalation | The number of times that locks have been escalated from several row locks to a table lock. |
Lock Timeouts | The number of times that a request to lock an object timed-out instead of being granted. |
Deadlocks | A deadlock occurs when there is a cyclic dependency between two or more threads, or processes, which contend for the same set of resources within DB2, namely: each task has a lock on a resource which the other tasks are trying to lock. |
I/O Wait | Amount of time spent waiting for I/O Subcategories specify further information. |
I/O Wait Rate | The rate of total time spent waiting for I/O per second. |
Lock Wait Time | Amount of time spent waiting for locks. |
Lock Wait Rate | The rate of total time spent waiting for locks per second. |
FCM Wait | Amount of time spent waiting for the FCM communications layer. |
FCM Wait Rate | The rate of total time spent waiting for the FCM communications layer per second. |
Network Wait | Amount of time spent waiting on network protocols. |
Network Wait Rate | The rate of total time spent waiting on network protocols per second. |
Log Wait | Amount of time spent waiting on the log. |
Log Wait Rate | The rate of total time spent waiting on the log per second. |
pureScale Wait | Amount of time spent waiting for various functions within the cluster. |
pureScale Wait Rate | The rate of total time spent waiting for various functions within the cluster per second. |
Memory Wait | Amount of time spent waiting on an internal latch. |
Memory Wait Rate | The rate of total time spent waiting on an internal latch per second. |
Other Wait | Aggregate several events not usually with high impact on performance. |
Other Wait Rate | The rate of total time spent aggregating several events not usually with high impact on performance per second. |
Execute Time | Total time spent executing routines and performing section execution. Processing time does not include wait time. |
Execute Time Rate | The rate of total time spent executing routines and performing section execution per second. |
Compile | Amount of time spent doing explicit or implicit compiles. |
Compile Rate | The rate of total time spent doing explicit or implicit compiles per second. |
Transaction | Amount of time spent on commit or rollback of transaction. |
Transaction Rate | The rate of total time spent on commit or rollback of transaction spent per second. |
Administration Time | Amount of time spent processing administration tasks (index build, backup, load and reorg). |
Administration Time Rate | The rate of total time spent on processing administration tasks’ spent per second. |
If the monitored DB2 server is v9.7.0.10 or v9.7.0.11, the following metrics are not available: Memory Wait, Memory Wait Rate, pureScale Wait, pureScale Wait Rate, and Total CPU Wait.
SQL Statements View
Resource consumption charts
For details, refer to Resource consumption charts under Database (or Partition) View.
Top SQL Statement table
The Top SQL Statements table displays the top SQL statements by their overall active time during the selected time range. The number of SQL statements displayed is shown at the table’s title. Selecting a row displays the CPU workload and executions of the selected SQL statement on the SQL Activity section below.
Selecting the SQL Text in the SQL Statements tree panel displays a page that allows viewing detailed information about the selected SQL statement.
The table below lists the Top SQL Statements name and their descriptions:
Name | Description |
SQL Text | The SQL text for the selected SQL statement. |
Executions | The number of times that an SQL statement has been executed. |
Total Execution Time (seconds) | The total time in seconds that was spent executing the particular statement. Not including time spent executing routines used as part of the statement. |
Avg Response Time (seconds) | The average time in seconds that was spent executing the particular statement. Not including time spent executing routines used as part of the statement. |
CPU Time (seconds) | The total CPU time consumed by the statement in the selected timeframe. |
Rows Read | The number of rows read from the table. This element helps you identify tables with heavy usage for which you may want to create additional indexes. |
Rows Modified | The number of rows changed (inserted, deleted or updated) by the statement. A high value for table-level information indicates there is heavy usage of the table and you may want to use the Run Statistics (RUNSTATS) utility to maintain efficiency of the packages used for this table. |
Rows Returned | The number of rows that have been selected and returned to the application. If this number is significantly lower than “Rows read”, then it might indicate an index is missing. |
Wait Time (%) | Percent of time spent waiting within the DB2® database server out of the total time spent actively working on requests. |
Total Dispatcher Queue Wait (seconds) | The total time that requests, that were run in a service class, spent waiting to access the CPU. |
I/O Wait (seconds) | Total time spent waiting, while processing an I/O request. Include read and write operations, both direct and from memory pools. |
Execute (seconds) | Total time spent executing routines and performing section execution. Processing time does not include wait time. |
Log Wait (seconds) | Total time spent waiting for log records to be flushed to disk or waiting for space in the log buffer. |
FCM Wait (seconds) | The time spent waiting for an FCM message to be sent or FCM reply to be received. |
Max Query Cost Estimate | The maximum estimated cost of a query out of all cost estimations collected for the query in the timeframe selected. Query cost estimation is determined by the SQL compiler. This value is reported in timerons. |
Lock Wait (seconds) | The time spent waiting for locks. |
Total Sort Time (seconds) | Total amount of time spent performing sorts while executing a section, which is the execution of the compiled query plan generated by the SQL statement. |
Other Wait (seconds) | Total time spent waiting for miscellaneous events such as audit records writes, dialog writes, event monitor records and send or receive data from an indatabase analytics process. |
WLM Wait (seconds) | The time spent waiting on a WLM queuing threshold. |
Compile Time (seconds) | The overall amount of time that was required to prepare the specific SQL statement in the time frame selected. |
Memory Wait (seconds) | The amount of time, spent in extended latch waits. |
purescale Wait (seconds) | In a DB2 pureScale environment, this is the time spent waiting for communicating with the cluster caching facility or waiting for page locks, where the lock request caused a page to be reclaimed either locally or from another member. |
If the monitored DB2 server is v9.7.0.10 or v9.7.0.11, the following metrics are not available: Memory Wait (seconds) and pureScale Wait (seconds).
SQL Activity
Located below the table of Top SQL Statements, the SQL Activity section of the pane displays the CPU workload and executions of the SQL statement selected, compared to the overall workload and CPU used by all statements in the database/partition.
These metrics are visually represented in two graphs:
- CPU Workload — Displays the activity (system workload), plotted over the specified time range.
This graph compares the following metrics:
- Overall CPU Workload — the CPU usage incurred by the total SQL statements run in the database/partition level.
- Selected SQL CPU Workload — the CPU usage incurred by the selected SQL statement.
- Executions — Displays the number of times the selected SQL statement and all of the database (or partition) executed SQL statement in the specified time range. This graph compares the following metrics:
- Overall Executions – The number of the total SQL statements run in the database/partition level.
- Selected SQL Executions - The execution number of the selected SQL statements in the Top SQL statements table.
Single Statement View
To view detailed graphic and textual data about a specific SQL statement, select the SQL statement from the
statements listed in the History Tree. This page contains the following panes:
SQL Activity
The SQL Activity pane displays the CPU workload and executions of the selected SQL statement, as well as all SQL statements displayed in the History Tree on the page left side. This pane is identical to the SQL Activity section in the SQL Statements Page.
SQL Text
The SQL Text pane displays an overview of the selected SQL statement text. In addition, the pane includes the following button:
- View Full Text - Displays a pop-up with the SQL Statement text, whose maximum size is by default 2048 characters.
SQL Metrics
The SQL Metrics table displays details about the selected SQL statement.
Switching between Total and Per Execution allows you to see the totals for all executions versus the average execution metrics.
The table below lists the SQL metrics name and their descriptions:
Name | Description |
Total Execution Time (seconds) | The total time in seconds that was spent executing the particular statement. Not including time spent executing routines used as part of the statement. |
Deadlocks | The number of times that a request to lock an object resulted in a deadlock. |
Sort Overflows | The total number of sorts that ran out of sort heap and may have required disk space for temporary storage. |
Rows Read | The number of rows read from the table. This element helps you identify tables with heavy usage for which you may want to create additional indexes. |
Rows Modified | The number of rows changed (inserted, deleted or updated) by the statement. A high value for table-level information indicates there is heavy usage of the table and you may want to use the Run Statistics (RUNSTATS) utility to maintain efficiency of the packages used for this table. |
Rows Returned | The number of rows that have been selected and returned to the application. If this number is significantly lower than “Rows read”, then it might indicate an index is missing. |
Total CPU Time (seconds) | The total CPU time consumed by the statement in the selected timeframe. |
Total Wait Time (seconds) | The total time spent waiting within the DB2 database server out of the total time spent actively working on requests. |
Execute (seconds) | The number of times that an SQL statement has been executed. |
FCM Wait (seconds) | The time spent waiting for an FCM message to be sent or FCM reply to be received. |
I/O Wait (seconds) | Total time spent waiting, while processing an I/O request. Include read and write operations, both direct and from memory pools. |
Memory Wait (seconds) | The amount of time, spent in extended latch waits. |
Lock Wait (seconds) | The time spent waiting for locks. |
Log Wait (seconds) | Total time spent waiting for log records to be flushed to disk or waiting for space in the log buffer. |
pureScale Wait (seconds) | In a DB2 pureScale environment, this is the time spent waiting for communicating with the cluster caching facility or waiting for page locks, where the lock request caused a page to be reclaimed either locally or from another member. |
Other Wait (seconds) | Total time spent waiting for miscellaneous events such as audit records writes, dialog writes, event monitor records and send or receive data from an indatabase analytics process. |
Total Sort Time (seconds) | Total amount of time spent performing sorts while executing a section, which is the execution of the compiled query plan generated by the SQL statement. |
Compile Time (seconds) | The overall amount of time that was required to prepare the specific SQL statement in the time frame selected. |
Executions | The number of times that an SQL statement has been executed. |
Sorts | The total number of times that a set of data was sorted in order to process the statement operation. |
Avg Response Time (seconds) | The average response time of a single statement execution. |
Pie Charts
The Pie Charts pane includes the pie charts listed below, which display the activity during the selected time range
for the selected metrics.
- Total CPU Time — The total CPU time consumed for executing the selected SQL statement, compared with the CPU time consumed for executing all of the SQL statements.
-Sort Time —The total time spent on the selected SQL statement’s data sorts, compared with the sort time spent to carry out other database processes.
- Logical Reads —The total number of logical reads for the selected SQL statement, compared with the total SQL statements.
- Physical Reads —The total number of physical reads for the selected SQL statement, compared with the total SQL statements.
On the Database Overview menu, click Activity and select one of the following views:
- Top Tables
- Locks
- Current Agents
- User-defined Collections
Top Tables
Provides information about the performance of the tables in the selected database.
By default, the Top Tables pane lists performance metrics for the top 10 tables of the selected database in order of rows read. You can configure the pane to list the top 10, 15, or 20 tables listed in order of rows read, rows written, overflows, or page reorganizations.
Select tables from the list to compare their selected activity metrics on the charts at the bottom of the pane.
On the Database Overview menu, click Activity and select Top Tables.
Description of pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Table Name- The name of the monitored table.
- Schema- The schema of the monitored table. Used with Table Name, this element can help in determining the source of a contention for resources.
- Table Type- The type of table for which information is returned.
- Rows Read- The number of rows in the table that are read from in order to process the selected SQL statement.
- Table organization- Organization method of the data in the table. ‘R’ indicates data is row-organized, ‘C’ indicates column-organized.
- Number of columns- Number of columns defined for the table as appears in the catalog.
- Rows Written- The number of rows in the table that are changed (inserted, updated, or deleted) in order to process the selected SQL statement.
- Overflows- The total number of accesses (reads and writes) to overflowed rows of the table.
- Avg Lock wait- The average wait time for a lock (in seconds). Available from v10.1 and above when the mon_obj_metrics is set to extended.
- Avg Num Column Referenced - Average number of column referenced in each access to the table. Available from v10.5 and above when the mon_obj_metrics parameter is set to extended.
- Table scans- The number of scans performed on the table in the selected time frame. Available from version 9.7 and above.
- Size - Total size of table in pages separated to the various page types: Data, Index, Xda, Lob, Long and Col
- Page Reorgs- The number of page reorganizations run for the table during the specified time range.
- Tablespace Id- The integer used by the selected database to uniquely represent this tablespace.
- Data- The total number of disk pages the table consumes. This number represents the base table size only. Space consumed by index objects, LOB data, and long data is displayed in the Index, Lob, and Long columns, respectively.
- Index- The total number of disk pages consumed by all indices defined in the table.
- Lob- The total number of disk pages consumed by LOB data in the table.
- Long- The total number of disk pages consumed by LONG data in the table.
- Xda- The total number of disk pages consumed by XML storage object (XDA) data in the table.
- Col - The total number of disk pages consumed by column-organized object data (relevant from version 10.5 and above)
- Lock Escals - The number of times that locks have been escalated from several row locks to a table lock. Available from v10.1 and above when the mon_obj_metrics is set to extended
- Lock Escals Global- Number of lock waits due to the application holding the lock being on a remote member. Available from v10.1 and above when the mon_obj_metrics is set to extended. Relevant for pureScale instance only
- Lock waits - The total number of times that applications or connections waited for locks. Available from v10.1 and above when the mon_obj_metrics is set to extended.
- Lock wait time Global - Number of lock waits due to the application holding the lock being on a remote member. Available from v10.1 and above when the mon_obj_metrics is set to extended. Relevant for pureScale instance only.
Provides current and historical metrics on locks held in the selected database.
On the Database Overview menu, click Activity and select Locks.
You can also access the Locks pane for a database from the Databases Dashboard. Click the icon at the far right of the database name cell and selecting Locks from the menu that appears.
This view provides the following embedded views:
- Locks Analysis — Overall Lock Time
- Locks Analysis — pureScale Lock Time
- Current Locks tab
- Historical Locks tab
Locks Analysis — Overall Lock Time
Displays a selection of lock metrics from the Current Locks Wait Collection.
Locks Analysis — pureScale Lock Time
Displays the global lock metrics from the CF Locks Collection.
Current Locks tab
Description of the Pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Agent ID- 16-bit counter of a system-wide unique ID for the locked wait application.
- Member Num- The database member from which the data was retrieved for this row.
- Lock Mode- Indicates the lock type being held and is used to determine what is the source of the lock contention.
- Lock Object Type- The object type held by the application that helps determine resource contention.
- Lock Wait Start Time- Date and time the lock started waiting to receive a lock, that had another application lock it.
- Lock Duration- The length of time for the lock wait.
- Statement Text- The full statement text of the locked agent.
- Table Name- Table name.
- Table Schema- Table schema.
- Tablespace Name- Name of the tablespace.
- Appl ID Holding Lock- Application ID of the application holding a lock on the object that the application waits to obtain.
- Lock Mode Requested- Mode of the lock requested by the application.
- Lock Attributes- The attributes of the lock. The text identifier of Y is used if there are no locks.
- Lock Name- Provides a name for the lock.
- Lock Escalation- Indicates whether a lock request was made as part of a lock escalation.
- Lock Current Mode- Lock type before the conversion is completed.
- Lock Release Flags- A flag based on bits from sqlmon.h.
- Subsection Number- This number relates to the subsection number in the access plan that can be obtained with db2expln.
- Data Partition ID- Identifies the data partition for returned information and is only used by partitioned tables. The return information represents a value of -1.
Historical Locks tab
Description of the Pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Longest Duration- Over the course of the selected time range, the locks with the longest wait durations, displayed at regular intervals.
- Number of Locks- Over the course of the selected time range, the number of locks that exceed the configured lock wait duration threshold, displayed at regular intervals.
- Snapshots List- Select any of the intervals in either of the Longest Duration or Number of Locks charts. The Snapshots List at the bottom displays the snapshots that make up the selected interval.
Clicking a specific snapshot displays a pop-up of the corresponding Lock Tree.
Current Agents
The Current Agents pane displays agent workload, agent activity, and CPU usage.
On the Database Overview menu, click Activity and select Current Agents.
You can also access the Current Agents pane for a database from the Databases Dashboard. Click the icon at the far right of the database name cell and selecting Current Agents from the menu.
This view provides the following embedded views:
- Agents Workload
- Average Active Agents
- Active/Inactive Agents
- Foreground/Background Agents
- DB2 CPU Usage
- Agents
- Current Agent List
Agents Workload
The following data is displayed:
- Resource- Lists the agent workload resources.
- Agent Workload- Displays how much the listed resource uses the agent.
- BACKUP- Indicates the database is being backed up.
- COMMIT- Indicates a work unit is committing its database changes.
- COMP- Reports that the database manager is doing a compilation of a SQL statement or planning a precompiling a plan for the application.
- CONNECTPEND- Reports that the application has started to connect to the database and the connection request is not finished.
- CREATE_DB- Tells the user that a database is being created. An agent initiation request has started to create the database, but the request is not complete.
- DECOUPLED- The agent has been decoupled and no agents are associated with the application running. This state is normal. If the connection is enabled, no dedicated agents exist. Applications can be decoupled on the coordinating
partition. In environments that are non-concentrated, applications are not decoupled and a dedicated coordinator agent is always running.
- DISCONNECTEDPEND- Tells the user that the application is in the process of disconnecting, however a command has not finished execution. An application might have begun the disconnection command. The database manager must
disconnect from the database if an application finishes and no disconnection has taken place.
- INTR- Tells the user that an interruption of a request is taking place.
- LOAD- Tells the user that an application is doing an expedited loading of data to a database.
- LOCKWAIT- Data being processed is standing by for a lock. When the lock is received, its status goes back to its previous value.
- QUIESCE TABLESPACE- A quiesce tablespace request is taking place.
- RECOMP- A database manager is recompiling or rebinding the application.
- REMOTERQST- A federating data source is in the process of providing results to the application.
- RESTART- After a crash, the database is starting back-up and performing a recovery.
- RESTORE- A backup image of the database is being restored.
- ROLLBACK- The database is rolling back changes.
- ROLLBACK SAVEPOINT- The database is rolling back changes to a certain saving point in the database.
- TEND- Work that belongs to a global transaction has ended. This work has not committed to the preparation phase required by the two-step protocol - commitment.
- THABRT- This work belongs to a global transaction rolled-back based on speculation.
- THCOMT- This work belongs to a global transaction committed, based on speculation.
- UOWEXEC- Work is being processed by the database manager upon request.
- UNLOAD- The database is doing an accelerated unloading of data.
- UOWEXEC- Requests are being processed by the database manager.
- UOWWAIT- The application is processing data for the database manager. Tells you that application code is in the process of running.
- WAITFOR REMOTE- A partitioned database instance is standing by for a reply from a remote partition.
Average Active Agents
The following data is displayed:
- agents/s- The number of active agents per second (Average active sessions).
Active/Inactive Agents
The following data is displayed:
- Active- The number of active agents.
- Inactive- The application is at one of three statuses: Connected, Wait or Decoupled.
Foreground/Background Agents
The following data is displayed:
- Background- Sum of background application agents.
- Foreground- Sum of foreground application agents
DB2 CPU Usage
The following data is displayed:
- DB2 CPU Usage- Total CPU usage by all processes running on the monitored database members.
Clicking the metric displays a pop-up graph.
The following data is displayed:
- Count- Displays the number of running agents during the specified time range.
Current Agent List
Displays detailed agent metrics.
- Kill Session- When the agent was stopped.
- AGENT ID- ID of the agent.
- Member Number- Member number of the agent.
- Application ID- Application ID of the agent.
- Logon Time- Time the agent logged in.
- Application Status- Agent status.
- Stmt Text- Text describing the agent status.
- Active Time- Time the agent became active.
- Application Name- The name of the application running at the client.
- CPU- The total CPU time used by database manager agent process.
- Client PID- The process ID of the client application that made the connection to the database.
- Coord PID- The process ID (UNIX systems) or thread ID (Windows systems) of the coordinator agent for the application.
- Assoc Agents- The number of subagents for all applications.
User-defined Collections
Displays user-defined metrics tailored to your database monitoring requirements.
On the Database Overview menu, click Activity and select User-defined Collections.
Description of the Pane
- Collections- Name of the collection created.
- Query’s Full SQL Text- The SQL text used to define the user-defined collection.
- Collection response time- The time it took to collect to respond in milliseconds.
- Display value for- Allows you to view the SQL query’s metrics, either for the last sample (Last Sample Taken) or for the entire specified time range (Selected Period). The Selected Period is based the time range selected in the Foglight Timeline.
- SQL Metrics Table- This table’s columns display the metrics of the SQL collection defined and running. Clicking a metric in a column displays a pop-up of that metric with a graph of the average value plotted over time and raw data samples.
The Memory menu provides access to:
- Memory Summary Pane
- Buffer Pools Pane
Memory Summary Pane
Provides memory summary metrics on the members and memory pools for the selected database.
To access this pane, navigate to the Database Overview menu, and click Memory and select Memory Summary.
Select Whole Database or a member within the selected database from the list at the top of the pane.
Description of the Pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- DB Memory- Displays the total memory allocated to the selected database.
- Pool Allocated Size- Displays a breakdown of the total memory allocated to the members of the selected database using a bar chart.
- Pool Breakdown- Displays a breakdown of the total memory allocated to the members of the selected database using a pie chart.
- Pool Name- The name of the memory pool.
- Utilization %- The percentage of configured allocated memory that is in use.
- Allocation- The average allocated size (in KB) of a memory pool.
- Config Size- The internally configured size (in KB) of a memory pool in the DB2 database system.
- Alarm- The alarm count and state of the member or memory pool. Click an alarm count to view information about the alarm on the Outstanding Alarms dialog box.
Buffer Pools Pane
Provides performance metrics on the buffer pools for the selected database.
On the Database Overview menu, click Memory and select Buffer Pools.
This view provides the following embedded views:
- Buffer Pools — Details tab
- Buffer Pools — Activity tab
- Buffer Pools — Direct Activity tab
Buffer Pools — Details tab
The Details tab displays a top-level summary of the buffer pools. The tabs in the lower portion of the view display
graphs of the various metrics over time.
Description of the Pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Buffer Name- The name of the monitored buffer pool.
- Total Hit Ratio- A measure of how often a page access (getpage) is satisfied without requiring an I/O operation.
- Tablespaces- The number of tablespaces using this buffer pool.
- Data Hit Ratio- A measure of how often a data page access (getpage) is satisfied without requiring an I/O operation.
- Index Hit Ratio- A measure of how often an index page access (getpage) is satisfied without requiring an I/O operation.
- XDA Hit Ratio- A measure of how often an XML storage object (XDA) page access (getpage) is satisfied without requiring an I/O operation.
- pureScale only — GBP Hit Ratio. A measure of how many times a requested page was found in the GBP out of all times it was requested.
- Col Hit Ratio- A measure of how often a column-organized page access is satisfied without requiring an I/O operation. Available for version 10.5 and above.
- Read Time- Indicates the total amount of time (in seconds) spent reading in data and index pages from the tablespace containers (physical) for all types of tablespaces.
- Write Time- Provides the total amount of time spent (in seconds) physically writing data or index pages from the buffer pool to disk.
- Direct Reads Rate- The number of read operations that do not use the buffer pool, per second.
- Direct Writes Rate- The number of write operations that do not use the buffer pool, per second.
- Direct Read Time- The elapsed time (in seconds) required to perform the direct reads.
- Direct Write Time- The elapsed time (in seconds) required to perform the direct writes.
- Files Closed- The total number of database files closed. This element can be used to help with determining the best value for the maxfilop configuration parameter.
- Unread Prefetch Pages- Indicates the number of pages that the prefetcher read in that were never used. If this number is high, prefetchers are causing unnecessary I/O by reading pages into the buffer pool that are not being
- Alarms- The alarm count and state of the member or memory pool. Click an alarm count to view information about the alarm on the Outstanding Alarms dialog box.
- Size- The current buffer pool size in pages.
- Col Logical Reads- Indicates the number of column-organized pages requested from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces. Available for version 10.5 and above.
- Col Logical Reads Rate- Indicates the number of column-organized pages which have been requested from the buffer pool (logical) for regular and large table spaces per second. Available for version 10.5 and above.
- Col Physical Reads- Indicates the number of column-organized pages read in from the table space containers (physical) for regular and large table spaces. Available for version 10.5 and above.
- Col Physical Reads Rate - Indicates the number of column-organized pages read in from the table space containers (physical) for regular and large table spaces, per second. Available for version 10.5 and above.
- Automatic- Indicates whether the buffer pool has self-tuning enabled. 1 indicates self-tuning is enabled for the buffer pool, and 0 otherwise.
Buffer Pools — Activity tab
Displays graphs of read and write metrics for the buffer pools against a baseline.
Description of the Pane
The following data is displayed on the pane:
- Total Logical Reads Rate- The total number of logical reads (index, XDA, and data) per second in the buffer pool.
- Total Physical Reads Rate- The total number of physical reads (index, XDA, and data) per second in the buffer pool.
- Data Logical Reads Rate- The number of data logical reads per second, which includes accesses to data pages that are already in the buffer pool when the database manager needs to process the page. Also includes data pages that are read into the buffer pool before the database manager can process the page.
- Data Physical Reads Rate- The number of data pages read in per second from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.
- Index Logical Reads Rate- The number of index logical reads per second, which includes accesses to index pages that are already in the buffer pool when the database manager needs to process the page. Also includes index pages that are read into the buffer pool before the database manager can process the page.
- Index Physical Reads Rate- The number of index pages read in per second from the tablespace containers (physical) for regular and large tablespaces.
Buffer Pools — Direct Activity tab
Displays graphs of direct reads and direct writes metrics to the buffer pools.
The Storage menu provides access to:
The Tablespaces Pane provides metrics and graphs of the top 10 tablespace activities and summarizes tablespace usage.
To access tablespaces, navigate to the Database Overview menu, click Storage and then select Tablespaces.
You can also access the Tablespaces pane for a database from the Databases Dashboard. Click the icon at the far right of the database name cell and selecting Tablespaces from the menu that appears.This pane provides the following views:
- Top 10 Tablespaces
- Tablespaces Summary
Top 10 Tablespaces
Displays the 10 tablespaces which have the highest size or the highest percentage of space utilization, according to the user’s selection. The default selection for sorting graphically is space utilization. Selecting the alternate
value updates the chart and the table.
Use the Show top by options to select metrics which display
graphs for size and percentage of tablespace usage. Click the required metric representation to display the respective graph.
The following graphs are provided:
- Size: Tablespace size over the last 30 days or during the timeframe selected (which ever is longer).
- % Space Usage- Percent of the tablespace in use. Utilization is calculated after taking into account the type of the tablespace (SMS/DMS), its parameters (like auto extend), the free space on the file system and the IBM architecture size limitations.
Axis Definitions:
- Percent (chart vertical axis)- The percentage of the database tablespace pages currently being utilized.
- Megabytes (chart vertical axis)- The database tablespace utilized size in megabytes.
- Tablespaces (chart horizontal axis)- The names of the top 10 most utilized tablespaces.
Clicking a specific tablespace representation drills down to the Tablespacespecific page.
Tablespaces Summary
The Tablespaces Summary view shows the status for all the database tablespaces, including space usage in percent and state of the tablespace. The Tablespace Summary view is located in the lower part of the Tablespaces pane.
Description of the View
- Allocated Size used%- The percentage of tablespace pages used out of all usable allocated pages.
- Total Size Used %- Tablespace utilization % including free space on the file sytstem and DB2 architecture limits
- Alarms- The number of warning, critical, and fatal alarms for this DB2 database tablespace. The dwell shows the most recent alarms raised against this tablespace, sorted by severity. Click this field to view the Alarms list. This list allows browsing through the alarms, which are sorted according to severity.
- Auto Resize- Relates to the DMS tablespaces and storage tables stored automatically. A setting of one indicates enablement of the auto resizing.
- Auto Storage- Describes whether the tablespace was created as an automatic storage tablespace. A value of 1 (Auto) means yes; 0 means no.
- Containers- Container count.
- Content Type- Text identifier defining the size or type of the tablespace: ANY, LARGE, SYSTEMP, or USRTEMP.
- ID- Numerical identification of the tablespace.
- Name- The name of the tablespace. Clicking the tablespace name drills down further to the Tablespace-specific page.
- Page Size- Total page size in KBs.
- Rebalancer Mode- Indicates if the current re-balancing process is removing space from a tablespace or adding space to a tablespace.
NOTE: Only applicable to a DMS tablespace.
- State- Text identifier of the tablespace state.
- Total Size- The total amount of allocated space (in megabytes) in this tablespace.
- Type- Text identifier of DMS or SMS.
- MAX ARCHITECTURE SIZE TB - Maximum size allowed by DB2 for a tablespace as reported in the DB2 docs. Size is given in TB. -1 indicates limit is not relevant
- MAX ARCHITECTURE SIZE pages - Maximum size allowed by DB2 for a tablespace as reported in the DB2 docs . Size is given in Mega pages (1 means 1 million pages). -1 indicates limit is not relevant.
- FS Free Size MB - Total amount of free space left on all file system used by the tablespace. Size is given in MB
Clicking the tablespace name drills down to the Tablespace-specific page.
Tablespace-specific Page
This page provides details on tablespace properties and space utilization, allowing you to analyze any issues affecting the selected member.
To access this page, from the Tablespaces pane, click the required tablespace in the Top 10 Tablespaces view or the tablespace name in the Tablespace Summary view.
Description of Views
This pane is made up of the following views.
- Tablespace Properties
- Space Utilization
- Free Space Fragmentation
- Tablespace Details
Tablespace Properties
This view provides the following panes:
- Tablespace properties alarms
- Tablespace properties table
The following data is displayed:
- Alarms- The number of warning, critical, and fatal alarms for this database tablespace. The dwell shows the most recent alarms raised against this tablespace, sorted by severity. Clicking an alarm displays an alarm management pop-up.
- Auto Resize- Relates to the DMS tablespaces and storage tables stored automatically. A setting of 1 indicates enablement of the auto resizing.
- Auto Storage- Reports if the page is automatically stored.
- Content Type- Text identifier defining the size or type of the tablespace: ANY, LARGE, SYSTEMP, or USRTEMP.
- Database- Database name.
- Extent Size- Size of the tablespace extent.
- Page Size- Total page size in KBs.
- Prefetch Size- The highest number of pages a pre-fetcher receives from a disk for a given time. If this function is enabled, a value of -1 displays.
- Rebalancer Mode- Shows the direction of rebalancing and whether this process is adding or removing tablespaces.
- State- Text identifier of the database state.
- Tablespace- Tablespace name.
- Type- Text identifier of DMS or SMS
Space Utilization
This provides a chart of the total utilized space plotted over time.
- Total- Total size allocated for the tablespace in MB.
- Used- The amount of MB that are in use for a table space. For an SMS table space it is equal to tablespace total size. Size is given in MB.
Free Space Fragmentation
Displays a status of the free fragmentation space.
- MB- Measurement of the graph in megabytes.
- Total- Total free space.
- Usable- Usable free space.
- Used- Space used.
Tablespace Details
The Tablespace Details view provides the following tabs:
Provides metrics on member utilization, size, and alarms affecting the member.
Description of the Members Tab:
- Alarms- Any alarms that fired and are affecting the tablespace. Clicking an alarm displays the alarms management pop-up.
- Member- The database member from which the data was retrieved.
- Size- Total size of the tablespace in MBs.
- Utilization- Overall utilization in percent. Auto storage tablespace utilization is calculated by the used space compared to the allocated tablespace size, not the total mount point size.
All Metrics
The All Metrics tab provides tablespace properties, space utilization, and fragmentation metrics.
Description of the All Metrics Tab:
- Files Closed- Files that have been closed in the tablespace.
- Tablespace Free Pages- Total number of free pages in the tablespace.
- Tablespace Free Size MB- Amount of free space.
- Tablespace Last Resize Failed- The time the tablespace failed during its latest resize attempt.
- Tablespace Last Resize Time- When the tablespace was last resized.
- Tablespace Num Container- Number of containers available in the tablespace.
- Tablespace Total Pages- Total number of pages in the tablespace.
- Tablespace Total Size MB- Total tablespace size.
- Tablespace Usable Pages- Total number of usable pages in the tablespace.
- Tablespace Usable Size MB- Total amount of space available.
- Tablespace Used Pages- Total number of pages used by the tablespace.
- Tablespace Used Size MB- Total amount of space used.
- Allocated Size used%- The percentage of tablespace pages used out of all usable allocated pages.
- Value- Value of the metric reported.
- Total Size Used %- Tablespace utilization % including free space on the file sytstem and DB2 architecture limits
- MAX ARCHITECTURE SIZE TB - Maximum size allowed by DB2 for a tablespace as reported in the DB2 docs. Size is given in TB. -1 indicates limit is not relevant
- MAX ARCHITECTURE SIZE pages - Maximum size allowed by DB2 for a tablespace as reported in the DB2 docs . Size is given in Mega pages (1 means 1 million pages). -1 indicates limit is not relevant.
- FS Free Size MB - Total amount of free space left on all file system used by the tablespace. Size is given in MB.
Tablespaces Buffer Pool Activities
Provides the metrics required to monitor tablespace buffer pool activities and can be sorted according to the buffer
pool hit ratio.
On the Database Overview menu, click Storage and select Tablespaces Bufferpool Activities. This pane provides the Tablespaces Bufferpool Activities view.
This pane displays the top tablespaces buffer pool activities metrics and allows you to select the tablespace to plot and
view charts on the details and performance of the selected tablespace. The tablespaces are sorted according to
the buffer pool hit ratio.
Description of the View
- Async Read Time- The time (in milliseconds) spent on reading data pages by database manager prefetchers.
- Async Write Time- The time (in milliseconds) spent on writing data or index pages by database manager prefetchers.
- Bufferpool Hit Ratio- The percentage of read requests that are satisfied by the buffer pool without having to physically read from the disk.
- Data Logical Reads- The number of logical read requests for data pages that go through the buffer pool.
- Data Physical Reads- The number of physical (disk) read requests for data pages that do not go through the buffer pool.
- Data Writes- The number of data writes.
- Direct Read Time- The time (in milliseconds) spent on performing direct reads.
- Direct Write Time- The time (in milliseconds) spent on performing direct writes.
- Index Hit Ratio- The percentage of read requests for index pages that are satisfied without having to read from the disk.
- Index Logical Reads- The number of logical read requests for index pages that are satisfied without having to read from disk.
- Index Physical Reads- The number of physical (disk) read requests for index pages that need to read data from disk.
- Index Writes- The number of index writes.
- Name- The tablespace name.
- Read Time. The amount of elapsed time (in milliseconds) spent on processing read requests.
- Type. The tablespace type (DMS Database-Managed Space) or SMS (System-Managed Space).
- Write Time- The amount of elapsed time (in milliseconds) spent on processing write requests.
- Total logical reads- Total pages read from the bufferpool. count all page types : data, index, XDA and column-organized .
- Total physical reads- Total pages read from the table space containers (physical) to the pool. Count all page types : data, index, XDA and columnorganized.
- Col logical Reads- Total number of column-organized pages requested from the buffer pool (logical).
- Relevant from version 10.5 and above.
- Col Physical Reads- Total number of column-organized pages read in from the table space containers (physical).
- Relevant from version 10.5 and above.
- Col Hit Ratio- Percentage of column-organized pages reads that were carried out from the buffer pool for the selected tablespace, without having to perform physical reads.
calculation is - 100 * (1 - (col_physical_reads / col_logical_reads ))
Relevant from version 10.5 and above
- GBP Logical Reads- The number of pages read from the Group Buffer Pool (GBP) because the page was either invalid or not present in the Local Buffer Pool (LBP). Only relevant for a puresclae instance.
- GBP physical reads- The number of Group Buffer Pool (GBP) dependent pages that were read into the local buffer pool from disk because it was not found in the GBP.
- Only relevant for a puresclae instance.
- GBP Hit Ratio- The percent of time a requested page was found in the group bufferpool out of all times it was requested. If a page is found in the GBP it saves the database the time to look for it in the Local Buffer Pool. Only relevant for a puresclae instance.
- Avg Read Time to Pool- The average time it takes to read a single page from the table space containers (physical) to the buffer pool. value is given in milliseconds.
One or more tablespace entries can be viewed by selecting them in the table. The graphs in the lower pane sho the information for the selected tablespaces.
The Log menu provides a diagnostic graph and log of database log activity. Records displayed are those configured in the Diagnostic Log administration screen.
To access this pane, click Log on the Database Overview menu.
This pane provides the following views:
Displays a graphical history of the informational, warning, critical, error and other counts graphed over a period.
Log Records
Displays information log table messages in tabular form.
- Timestamp- The exact time and date when the message log was created.
- Member- Member where the message came from.
- MSGNUM- Message number
- Severity- Severity of the message.
- Type- Message type.
- Message- Text of the message.
- Pid- Process ID.
- Process- Which DB2 process triggered the message.
- TID- Timestamp identification number.
- Application ID- Identifies the application from which the message originated.
Selecting any record will open a pop-up with the full log record.
The Configuration menu provides the list of initialization parameters with their current values and other pertinent information, sorted in alphabetical order.
On the Database Overview menu, click Configuration.
This pane provides the Initialization Parameters view.
Initialization Parameters
Displays the list of initialization parameters with their current values and other pertinent information, sorted in alphabetical order.
- Parameter- The initialization parameter name.
- Current Value- The current value of the initialization parameter.
- Flags- Whether the initialization parameter is flagged as AUTOMATIC.
- Deferred Value- The deferred value of the initialization parameter. If a nonAUTOMATIC parameter was changed and the database has not yet been recycled, the deferred value may be different than the current value.
- Type- The type of value for the initialization parameter.
- Modified- Whether the initialization parameter has been modified.
Clicking any table cell displays the change history for the corresponding initialization parameter.