What’s New

Quest’s Foglight® Cloud solution simplifies database and infrastructure performance monitoring, reducing the skills and effort required to manage the supporting infrastructure.

Foglight performs equally well in physical, virtual, and mixed infrastructure environments, providing visibility into issues affecting the application and end-user experience. By offering comprehensive visibility into your monitored environment, Foglight helps ensure that cross-functional teams collaborate and prioritize issues that matter most to the business.

This page covers the resolved issues, known issues, workarounds, and other important information about the current release of Foglight Cloud.

This section covers the following key ares:

General Availability Features

FeaturesGA MonthDetails
New platform supportSep 2024Introduce Performance Investigator for PostgreSQL.
The SQL Performance Investigator (PI) provides an in-depth analysis and investigation of the Instance activity and resource consumption. Refer to Using PostgreSQL Performance Investigator (PI).
Add Support for Open TelemetrySep 2024Allow database and query insights data to be exported via an OpenTelemetry compatible API.
Databases global view dashboard usability enhancementSep 2024Database Global View dashboard will now show a database type tile on top only if there are monitored targets from that type.
SQL Server MonitoringSep 2024Allow SQL Server agent to connect using kerberos instead of NTLM.
New platform supportJune 2024Ability to monitor RDS servers using AWSHost type agent.
Add locked resource description to PI blocking history screenJune 2024Enhance historic blocking analysis in SQL Server PI. Added ability to view more detailed information about locked resources.
Upgrade SSH library to support more encryption algorithmsJune 2024Updated the SSH library used by agents to provide support for newer encryption and signature algorithms.
Audit kill sessionsJune 2024The audit record will be created when a user chooses to kill a session in the Sessions dashboard on SQL Server and Oracle or in the Current Agent dashboard on DB2.
Easy link to Query Insight dashboardJune 2024Query Insight dashboard is now accessible directly from Database Global view dashboard
New database platform supportMay 2024Ability to monitor DB2 and Oracle databases.
Refer to Monitor DB2 Database and Monitor Oracle Database.
New database platform supportMarch 2024Ability to monitor Azure SQL databases and elastic pools.
Refer to Monitor Azure SQL Database.
Monitor databases platformsDec 2023Foglight Cloud supports the following database technologies:
SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Snowflake, Redis, and Redshift. Refer to Supported Platforms for more information about supported versions and platforms.
Monitor infrastructure technologiesDec 2023Foglight Cloud includes support for the following infrastructure technologies:

Operating systems
- Windows, Linux, AIX, HP, and Sun

- VMWare
- Hyper-V

Cloud Providers
- Microsoft Azure
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Google Cloud

- Kubernetes
- Swarm

Web Monitor


Resolved Issues

Issue IDDescriptionComponentTime Fixed
FOG-9560Welcome page is sometimes displayed instead of the PostgreSQL PI page.Postgres PIDec 2024
FOG-10100Blocked session duration time is displayed in milliseconds instead of secondsPostgres PIDec 2024
FOG-10034Fix PI errors about unique_stat table that does not existSQL ServerDec 2024

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Viewing What’s New by Domain

This section provides latest features, updates, and enhancements tailored to specific domains.

Foglight for DatabasesFoglight Evolve
What’s New in SQL Server Cartridge
What’s New in Azure SQL Server Cartridge
What’s New in Oracle Server Cartridge
What’s New in DB2 Server Cartridge
What’s New in MySQL Server Cartridge