Setting Alarm’s Notification

To set a notification to an alarm you need to associate it to a notification channel. You can associate one or more alarms, specific chosen domains within the template, or specific chosen alarms to a notification channel.

This section covers the following key areas:

Associating Alarms to a Notification Channel

To associate alarms to a notification channel:

  1. Click Alarm Management > Alarm Template in the left navigation pane.
  2. Click on the alarm template to which you want to associate the channel.
  3. Click on the required domain tab and then click Notifications channels.
  4. Click Assign notification channel. A Notification settings box gets displayed.
  5. In the Notification channels field, select the required channel from the drop down list and click Save.

The required alarm gets associated to the notification channel.

Each alarm template has a bell-shaped icon. If it is dark , it means that it already has at least one notification channel associated with it. If it is light , then the template does no have any notification channel associated to it.

All alarms defined in the template or domain are listed on the Alarm Templates page. The alarm list displays various severities, such as fatal, critical, and warning. You can select the relevant severity checkbox to activate notifications for a specific alarm.

To remove a domain from a notification channel, click on the notification channel name under the specific domain and select Detach this domain from the drop down list.

Associating All Domains to a Notification Channel

To associate all domains to a notification channel, click on the name of the required notification channel, and select Assign to all domains from the drop down list. All Domains get associated to the notification channel.

Associating a Single Alarm in a Domain to a Notification Channel

To associate a single alarm in a domain to a notification channel:

  1. Navigate to the required alarm template and click on the Alarms sub tab. It displays the list of alarms.
  2. Hover over the bell icon on the required alarm and click Manage notifications.
  3. Follow the steps mentioned in Associating Alarms to a Notification Channel

The alarm in a domain gets associated to a notification channel.