Subscription and Activation FAQs
How do I register?
The primary contact for your organization will be the first user invited to sign up for a dedicated Foglight cloud environment by clicking a specific URL. As the primary contact, they will have the role of Owner and can then invite other members of their organization to join. For more information about how to invite people from your organization and how to accept invitations, refer to
Managing People.
Which agreements should I sign?
When will my subscription expire? will I be notified? What will happen as soon as it expires?
Once your subscription is about to expire, you will receive notification via email and through the Foglight App. You will need to contact Quest Sales to renew your subscription before it reaches the expiration date. If you don’t renew within X days after your subscription has expired, your data will be deleted with no option for restoration.
How can I renew my subscription?
Your organization’s primary contact will be contacted in advance to renew your subscription before it expires. If that does not happen, please contact 15 days prior to expiration.
Can I register for a trial?
There are two options available for you to experience the product:
- Register for a POC (Proof of Concept) plan. To register for a POC, contact Quest Sales at
- Register for a demo environment. You can register for a demo environment directly through the Foglight Cloud🔗 website. By doing so, you will be able to experience the product without adding your own monitored targets.
What subscriptions do I need to monitor my Databases?
You will need a ‘Foglight Cloud for Databases’ subscription. Each unit in this subscription entitles you to monitor one database instance and one host.
What subscriptions do I need to monitor Infrastructure?
To monitor hypervisors, operating systems, cloud providers, and containers, you will need a ‘Foglight Cloud for Infrastructure’ subscription. Each monitored target is considered a unit.